Event Details

ASEAN New Zealand Business Council Zoom event! Join our ASEAN Impacts Series. Registrations essential to get this business briefing on COVID-19 Market Response and the wider Impacts for business - across the region provided by independent business people on the ground. They'll cover topics such as:

ยท General economic outlook

ยท Update of the COVID-19 in your market and on businesses in your region

ยท What are the challenges that the market faces at the present time? And what are the opportunities?

ยท What have businesses learnt from this situation?

And, Any big takeaways โ€“ supply chain learnings, consumer demand etc

Note that this event is advertised in NZ/Philippine time - please adjust for your local time zone


  • GB

    George Barcelon

    Chairman at Philippines Chamber of Commerce and Industries

    George T. Barcelon is the current president of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the largest business organization in the country. He is also the President of Realty Corporations, a realty development company that provides office space, commercial outlets, warehouse offices for ecozone locators and BPOs

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  • JR

    Josephine Romero

    Senior Advisor at Philippines Presidential Adviser

    Senior Adviser for ASEAN Business Advisory Council Philippines and the lead of PROJECT ARK initiative
    Josephine is Senior Adviser to the Philippines’ Presidential Adviser (Minister level) for Entrepreneurship and Chairman of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC) Philippines. She is assisting the Presidential Adviser in designing the digitalization framework for the country’s one million micro, small and medium enterprises in collaboration with Philippine-based conglomerates and big business.
    For 10 years, she was the Philippines' trade and investment diplomat posted to New York, Washington DC, Silicon Vallley and Sao Paolo. She also served as Chief of Staff to the Trade Minister and was Assistant Minister with supervisory oversight of the overseas trade posts. Prior to that, she worked in various corporate and executive positions in New York City and Manila.

    Josephine now heads Magpie.IM, a digital payments startup with offices in Singapore and Manila.

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