Event Details

Zoom event! Registrations essential to get this business briefing on COVID-19 Market Response and the wider Impacts for business - across the region provided by independent business people on the ground. They'll cover topics such as:

ยท General economic outlook

ยท Update of the COVID-19 in your market and on businesses in your region

ยท What are the challenges that the market faces at the present time? And what are the opportunities?

ยท What have businesses learnt from this situation?

And, Any big takeaways โ€“ supply chain learnings, consumer demand etc

Note that this event is advertised in NZ time - please adjust for your local time zone


  • CC

    Charles Chow

    Charles Chow is a Singaporean who has strong links to New Zealand, especially Auckland, a city which he fondly regards as his home away from home. When in Auckland, he commutes between his apartment in the city and his weekend country home in Matakana.
    His fondness of New Zealand can be traced back to his younger days studying for his accounting degree at Auckland university. Even though his 20 year career span as an banker and stockbroking director at JP Morgan Chase and DBS Vickers Securities took him to London, where he also obtained a post-grad degree at LSE, Charles remains very attached to the Kiwi way.
    In 2006, while attending an Asia New Zealand foundation conference in Wellington, Charles was given a friendly nudge by the then minister of immigration, Lianne Dalziel, to obtain PR status in New Zealand.
    Even since then, Charles has been coming “home” to his beloved and adopted country frequently and was happily anointed by KEA NZ to be one of the many world class New Zealanders living overseas.
    During this coronavirus crisis, Charles has been “locked down” in Singapore, giving him time to ponder and comment widely and freely about the crisis situation in Singapore. Needless to say, he has also been following the New Zealand scene very closely, going online at 9 am Singapore time every weekday to listen to PM Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

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  • LC

    Laura Chapman

    Senior Associate at Kiely Thompson Caisey

    Laura has recently joined KTC after returning to New Zealand from working for a number of years in the United Kingdom and Asia, based in Singapore. Most recently, Laura led a team at an international law firm, working for multinational employers on workforce issues across Asia Pacific.

    Laura has broad experience in employee relations, employee dispute resolution, employee investigations and advising on the employment aspects of commercial transactions. Laura also routinely deals with matters related to employee incentivisation, employee data privacy and post-termination restrictions.

    Laura provides pragmatic and commercial advice to employers across all sectors.

    Laura is also admitted to practice as a solicitor in England and Wales and in Hong Kong

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  • CH

    Chris Humphrey

    Executive Director of EU ASEAN Business Council

    Chris Humphrey is a Business Development and Government Relations professional with more than a decade of experience running business units throughout Asia, and over 20 years of experience of either working for or dealing with Governments and regulatory authorities.
    Chris began his varied professional career as a UK Civil Servant where, amongst other things, he was a Private Secretary to a Minister and an Air Services Trade Negotiator covering the Asia Pacific Region.
    After leaving Government, Chris moved to the private sector working initially in the Government and external relations teams at two British airlines, before moving to Shanghai, China with Virgin Atlantic where he headed up the airline’s China operation and oversaw the rapid expansion of their business in China. Whilst in Shanghai, Chris also sat on the Executive Committee of the British Chamber of Commerce. After a short spell in Hong Kong with Virgin, Chris then joined a UK based security and defence group where he led their Asia Pacific team for over five years and was instrumental in them getting contracts with the Japanese and Singapore Governments and also with SOEs in China.
    More recently Chris has been acting as a consultant assisting start-ups in Asia with their business and corporate development before joining the EU-ASEAN Business Council in June 2014.

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