Event Details

Zoom event! Registrations essential to get this business briefing on COVID-19 Market Response and the wider Impacts for business - across the region provided by independent business people on the ground. They'll cover topics such as:

ยท General economic outlook

ยท Update of the COVID-19 in your market and on businesses in your region

ยท What are the challenges that the market faces at the present time? And what are the opportunities?

ยท What have businesses learnt from this situation?

And, Any big takeaways โ€“ supply chain learnings, consumer demand etc


  • Andrew Bayly (emec technology)

    Andrew Bayly

    emec technology

    Andrew Bayly is a New Zealand Engineer and the Managing Director of Emec Technology, a specialist laboratory design and project management consultancy located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Andrew Has been involved in laboratory design and construction for 24 years with multiple PC3 and PC2 projects in Asia.
    Andrew is also currently chair of the Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce and co-chair of the New Zealand ASEAN Business Alliance, an organisation representing the New Zealand business chambers and councils in ASEAN.

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  • TM

    Tan Sri Dato Munir

    Chairman at Veto Committee, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad

    Tan Sri Dr. Munir also represents Malaysia in various ASEAN capacities, namely the 2015 Chairman of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council, the President of the ASEAN Business Club and the Chairman of CIMB ASEAN Research Institute.

    He obtained a B.Sc (Econ) from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1971 where he also obtained his PhD in International Relations in 1978. He taught at the Department of international Relations in LSE from 1972-1975. He was research analyst for Daiwa Europe NV in London from 1975-1978.

    Dr Munir joined the New Straits Times Press (NST) at the end of 1978 as leader writer and progressed to become the Group Editor. During his time at the NST, he had published numerous articles on national and international politics, and economics. He left NST in 1986 to become CEO of a small merchant bank, Pertanian Baring Sanwa (PBS), whose name he changed to Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) which was then transformed into one of Malaysia’s leading merchant banks. He was invited by the Government of Malaysia to establish and become the first and founding Executive Chairman of the Securities Commission in 1993, where he served for two terms until 1999. In 1997, he received the Cranfield Management Excellence award. After leaving the Securities Commission, he served as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of Telekom Malaysia Berhad for 4 years until June 2004, and was Chairman of its mobile subsidiary Celcom (M) Berhad from 2002-2004.

    In June 2004, Dr Munir joined the Malaysian Airline System Berhad Board of Directors and later in August 2004 was appointed its Non-Executive Chairman until July 2011.

    He has served on various governmental boards and committees, such as Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE, now Bursa Malaysia), Foreign Investment Committee (FIC), as well as various private sector companies and organizations such as Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE), Council of the Association of Merchant Banks Malaysia (AMBM), Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI).

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  • CS

    Chew Seng Kok

    Zico Holdings

    Mr. Chew Seng Kok, the Managing Director, is primarily responsible for the business development, overall strategy and management of ZICO Holdings Inc.

    ZICO is a listed company on the Catalist Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. The Group is an integrated provider of multidisciplinary professional services focused on ASEAN, provides advisory and transactional services, management and support services and licensing services.

    Mr. Chew is also the Chairman of ZICO Law, a network of independent law firms in the ASEAN member countries. ZICO Law is a part of ZICO and the network has offices in 17 cities in all 10 countries throughout Southeast Asia. ZICOlaw won the “Innovation in Corporate Strategy Award” in 2014 and in 2015 ZICOlaw was recognized for its Innovative Transformation of Legal Services under the “Innovation in the Business Law” (Asia-Pacific headquartered law firms).
    Mr Chew is also a member of the ASEAN Business Club

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